Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in Pictures

On Christmas Eve the kids waited patiently to open one gift before we headed to Christmas Eve service.

They each opened a new Bible and Bible cover, and they were all so thrilled. 
I have to mention--all those presents, except maybe 5, are for next weekend, and cover 22 people. 

In Gabriel's already super cool room, Daniel hung the punching bag my parents gave Gabe last week at our early celebration. Now his room is even better. All 3 kids are really benefitting from it and they have even made up Ninja games to go with it :o)

 Our stockings, hung with care over the fireplace, made by my wonderful mom. However, as one of our pastors said, in the desert we don't wish for a white Christmas, but for 70 degrees and sunshine. So our fireplace holds candles, not logs. 

1 comment:

Grandma Cyndi said...

Such fun, what a loving home and special memories. PS the new curtains look great!