Sunday, October 23, 2011

Quick Update, As Usual :o)

What I would love to spend hours reading

What I actually spend hours reading

Let's compare again...
 That stack is approximately 600 essays. I am about halfway through!

And if that makes your head hurt, you are not alone. My head, fingers and eyes hurt. However, as always, I am thankful for this amazing job that allows me to earn money and be HOME with my babies. I also work for great teachers, and I have gained valuable skills plus work history. All of that is good stuff!

My mom found this active, exciting way for me to test Gabe on his spelling words.
I printed the letters he would need (including multiples) on sticky notes, and alphabetized them.

I would say a word and he would run from the table to the wall and spell the word, one letter at a time, with the notes. He loved it and I see the benefit over sitting still and writing his words--something he is not too fond of. :o)

And, just for fun and for my own record keeping, the living/dining room (known as the pretty room because the kids are not supposed to make messes here!), which is almost done. We have curtains but no rods to hang them on, and a rug that is not out yet. 

The white door is the front door, and the windows look over the porch and yard to the street.

We have only purchased one piece of furniture out of everything you see. Can you guess which one?

Beautiful couch given to us, leather chair a friend found at a garage sale, beautiful coffee table from Grandma's house, and our fantastic wall unit given to us by someone who no longer could use it. Yes, it's a hodge podge, but we like it that way :o)

My great grandparents' table and desk (in the corner) and our awesome black China Hutch. I love having my family's furniture in my home!

The black piece is our purchase. We lived in a small, 2-bedroom apartment for 9 months with a kitchen that had maybe 4 cabinets. We found this black "bookshelf" unit at a furniture store going out of business and got it very reasonably. I still love it. My mom put the table decorations together for fall--they are so fun! And the eyes on the wall--it's my new favorite thing. Daniel snapped this picture of Gabe on our trip and I just love it. It's a wrapped canvas, 16x24", and I could stare at it all day long!

1 comment:

Jeremy, Meg, Connor, Katie & Kara said...

YES! I remember when/where the pic of Gabe was taken, such riches! Here! LOVE the room, and I really love the awesome spelling - now That's education for boys! Gotta love homeschool and creative Mommys!