Friday, May 1, 2009


No, not the TV show. I stole this idea for a post; it seemed like a fun way to get some thoughts out.

1 - Child who is snuggling with me as I type and watch Bolt. Gabe is asleep, Kenna is at school, and little one and I are having a nice morning together.

7 - Weddings we are invited to from May 16 - August 8! 

2 - Black dresses I own to choose from for those 7 events. Good thing black is okay for weddings these days.

300 - Give or take a few, the number of essays that need grading before May 22.

30 - Dollars it will cost us to take our entire family to Sea World next week for an educational field trip!

2 - (out of about 18) Homeschool Curriculum Books I can get my hands on before August. So much for planning out our semester this summer. 

4 - Pages of kindergarten math Gabe does a day, willingly, getting them all right. 

60 - Minutes a day I am walking. A habit I must keep up!

3 - Times a day we are cleaning bird poop out of our pool. I am off to buy an inflatable alligator today since I heard it keeps them away. (They are cleaning out their nests and put their babies' droppings in water so predators cannot trace the scent to their babies. Smart, but why does it have to be my pool?)

0 - Times a day we are swimming right now. Between the bird poop and the fact our net is out for repair so our solar cover is off, meaning chilly water, swimming is unappealing.

1 - New compost pile. I am so excited because it's actually working.

2 - Watermelon plants that are growing.

15 - Lettuce plants planted

3 - Citrus Trees Blooming

2 - Rose bushes with hundreds of buds

7 - Times a day I look at all these things in my garden and hope I don't mess it up.

7, 652 - times a day I am thankful. For my God, my family, home, church, friends, life...

1 comment:

Grandma Cyndi said...

You left out the sunflower room that had sprouted, how is it coming? So proud of Gabe still doing his math pages. One month until birthday month, Happy May!!