Today, my littlest, who could not yet know about such days in a formal sense, decided it was Crazy Hat Day. First of all she found the girly Pull-Ups Melissa brought me. Jules still wears diapers, but when she can get away with it she sneaks one of Gabe's Pull-Ups he wears at night. I thought she would be THRILLED with a capital T to see Princesses on her pull-ups instead of Diego or Cars. Nope. This is what she did with her pretty pink Pull-Up...

Later on, the older kids were "practicing" their light-saber techniques. Not to be left out, Jules found a Peter Pan dagger and hat. This is what happens when she puts it on all by herself...

Not related to Hat Day...Mckenna and I were briefly at Joanna's on Sunday, and I asked if we could have some lemons from their always blooming tree. Mckenna got the nod of approval and picked me a bag full. Yahoo! In the car she asked, as she sucked on a lemon, if we could make a Lemon Meringue Pie. Not Yahoo. I am not the best at pies, and had NO IDEA how to make a Lemon Meringue one. Add to that the fact that Kenna has always made them with Grandma C, who, next to my Grandma Audrey, is the Lemon Pie Queen, and I was sweating bullets. Mom said to get Kingsford Corn Starch, and use the recipe on the box. I did, and, if I do say so myself, it turned out darn good, in looks and taste.
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