Sunday, September 9, 2007

5 Nice Things

I am 28, (for one more month anyways!), have been happily married for almost 8 years, have 3 awesome kids, have owned a house...and I live with my parents! Those things don't really go together, but for one year we agreed to make it work, and amazingly enough, it has. There are moments...mostly because your parents are the people you know you can treat the worst and they will still love you...but mostly we are overwhelmed with my parents' generosity of letting us invade their otherwise peaceful home. So, with 8 months down and less than 4 to go, I thought I would write 5 nice things about living here.

Number 1. Mom is amazingly flexible about watching the kids for an hour here or two hours there. She often, very often, lets me leave the baby home asleep while I run out to do things with the other ones. And, I am volunteering in Mckenna's class once a week, and when Dan can't be here she truly encourages me to go and she stays with the little ones. So wonderful.

Number 2. My kids get approximately 12-15 books read to them PER DAY. Little Jules constantly brings books to grandma, climbs up in her lap, and sits expectantly. I would say grandma alone reads 10 books a day, and with Mckenna it is chapter books with plots and such, which are so good for her to hear. Go grandma!

Number 3. Quality time with Papa. Papa never comes home in a bad mood. Papa almost never says no when the kids ask for Quality Time with him. They watch discovery channel and learn about space, animals, machines...wonderful things...and get to cuddle with their wonderful grandpa.

Number 4. Papa has good for Dan and me that is. Fast car, big truck, enough said. And he loves to take us out once in awhile.

Number 5. Sharing the raising of my kids. We cook together, clean together, eat together, ask Mckenna about her day together, celebrate Gabe's new adventures together, and take joy in Juliana reaching new milestones together. There are 4 adults who are intimately acquainted with my children. That means we know when something is wrong and we can brainstorm solutions, with 4 different perspectives. What a blessing.

So here's to you, mom and dad. Not only are we making it, but despite the hard moments, when we frusturate each other immensely, we are enjoying it. Love you!


The Smith family said...

You never fail to amaze me! I am so proud of you. I can't tell you what a blessing you are to your children and your parents. I am inspired by your ability to find the good in every situation. Thank you.

Grandma Cyndi said...

We too are blessed to share this time with the "kids". We treasure the quality time with each grandchild individually and as we share meals, outtings and other activities as a family. I am grateful for the opportunity to watch my daughter and son-in-law as they parent so consistantly and wisely. We could not do this if the children were not respectful, kind and obedient, they are all of those because of the excellent parenting shared by both.
I am thankful for the assistance we are receiving in the form of home improvement projects, landscaping and clutter reduction. It is wonderful to have someone always keep the final goal in mind and not get bogged down in the daily details like I tend to.
I love reading to the kids. With Jules and Gabe it is the same 2 books ten times but with Mckenna I have read the entire collection of Winne the Pooh, 2 complete Raggedy Ann and Andy books and we are currently working on the original version of Peter Pan. I also get to go with them to Neverland, Star Wars and Pirate ships in their imaginary play, such fun!!!
Love, Grandma C

Heather said...

And I love your parents, too! Give them hugs for me...I'm sure your mom read us a book or two when we played together (or were we too busy playing kickball outside and breaking neighbors' car antennas?)