Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thankful Challenge, Day 27

27. My Role. Not my job, but my role in my life is pretty amazing. Today I was a chef, a bike mechanic (twice), a seamstress, a handy-woman, a teacher, a house cleaner, a professional organizer, a piano accompanist, and wiper of tears.

As I made each person their individual breakfast and then lunch, I was thankful for healthy bodies and fresh food to eat. As I inflated bike tires and tightened down handlebars, I rejoiced watching all 3 kids ride up and down the street, just like my brother and I used to do; I look forward to long bike rides and the day I can say, "Just go for a nice long ride." While sewing the last few buttons on a homemade advent calendar, I took delight in the little things, for that is what my kids do. Hanging hooks in the bathroom to hold cute animal towels reminds me that life is made up of simple joys. Teaching my kids math, reading, spelling, the Bible, history and science means I control what goes into their heads and hearts, and for that opportunity I am grateful. Organizing the school room and the guest closet I am beyond thankful for the many, many books we have been given and the company we have on a regular basis. Playing piano along side my daughter fulfills a dream I have long had, even when we disagree over tempo. And hugging a little body whose knee has been bruised or whose finger has been smashed gives me a moment to bring comfort to my dear children, and there is not much greater.

Yes, there are many who believe I have not lived up to my potential. It's one of those lies I talked about a last week; one I believed once too. But for me, personally, this is greater than any job, greater than any contribution to society; it is pouring into the family I love with my whole heart.

For this I am thankful.


Samantha LeGassick said...

The role you've described is the one I look forward to most :) What a blessing to be so much to so many.

And you're absolutely right about the lies- you may not be out doing what others think you should but you will always find ways to impact lives and I'm thankful that has been your personality for a long time! You poured into me years ago and I'm still remembering things you taught me and ways you encouraged me ten years later and that is no accident.

Your kiddos have a fantastic mama and I would be willing to bet they know it!

Grandma Cyndi said...

You are fulfilling the role He had planned for you even if others don't think so. I am in awe of all you are to so many, and how cheerfully, graciously, and lovingly you embrace each element of your life. You are to be admired and praised for accepting what some distain as a "menial" role when it is truely a meaningful and important role. I am sure Mckenna, Gabe and Juliana agree. They are so blessed to have such wonderful parents and role models.

Ender said...

Yes, there are many who believe I have not lived up to my potential.

Wait... who said that? I'd like to sit that person down and have some words with them about judging other people and their value.

Your potential isn't a course drawn on a map or a line of measurement which you either exceed, reach, or fall short of, despite suggestions that is has been marked out in advance for you. Potential means the opportunity to reach a goal, and in your case you've chosen many goals to reach for, and far exceeded their "best case scenario" outcomes. That means you've exceeded your potential, and don't let any one tell you otherwise.

Your potential isn't to change the face of math as a science, despite your degree, or to reach out to people all over the world, despite the allure. It's to be the most outstanding child raiser, mother, teacher, sister, daughter, and person you can be and to teach others how to be good people too. By any of those measures, you've exceeded your potential, and everyone is proud of you.

You've won at life. Celebrate!

And Merry Christmas.