Today (thursday) Kris (she's here for a week!), the kids and I went to Melissa's pool with her kids. We had a great time, lots of fun swimming in the nice cold pool, and we were getting ready to leave. Mckenna climbed over a lounge chair to get to something, her knee went right through, and although she put her hands out to stop herself, her face hit the edge of a concrete bench. I was sitting right next to her, on the ground, getting a diaper for Juliana, and the first thing I saw was a whole lot of blood. Mckenna saw it too, and got very, very scared. Two beach towels later I was able to see into her mouth--I saw a missing tooth and a very cut up lip. Kris and I raced her to the car, while Melissa took the other kids to her house, and we went to the urgent care. They didn't even make us check in, but took us right in to a bed where a nurse checked her out and took her vitals. We were seen by a very, very kind and gentle, young doctor who treated Mckenna very well. Unfortunately, her lip was cut very badly and it took 7 stitches to close it up. Yikes! She had some rough moments, but she was her typical tough self through most of the procedure.
We ran home to change (Mckenna and I were still in wet bathing suits!), and then were off to a pediatric dentist. He took XRays and examined her. The tooth that came out was a loose, baby tooth, thankfully. Her permanent front tooth is loose and bleeding, but he said there is a very strong chance it will tighten up with no long term effects.
We are so thankful for good, quality, and kind medical treatment. We have been talking with Mckenna about orphans our church supports in Haiti, and explaining that they aren't able to get good medical care all the time like she does. We are also thankful for Melissa and Adrienne, who were at the pool and took care of the kids until Kris came to pick them up. It has been an eventful day, and although I am sparing you the gory details, my stomach still churns with the thought of all that happened.
Praise the Lord she is fine, and that the tooth that was knocked out was a baby tooth! In the picture you can't see too much because 6 of the 7 stitches are inside her lip, but you can see a little puffiness, a little road rash, and the leftover chocolate from the shake Melissa made her after she felt better.
We are so glad that she is okay!! We sometimes take for granted how easy it is to get medical help here. I think you are amazing for taking time out of this hectic situation to teach Mckenna about how thankful we should be for what we have. Thank you for being such a good example of a Godly mother to me. Love Melissa
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